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Do This if Involved in a Car Accident Personal injury law is a is concerned with personal accidents or injuries,the remedies applicable and the defenses available. Another name for Personal injury law is the law of tort. The fact that mishaps do happen a lot in life does not in any way reduce the pain that is felt when you are the victim of a personal injury or accident. In such situations,one may feel that they want to file a civil case against the person who caused the accident. It is important to remember that personal injury cases are not criminal cases. The government initiates the legal process in a criminal case while in a personal injury case,it is the person who has suffered harm that does the initiation of the process. Suppose you are involved in a Washington car accident caused by the careless or irresponsible driving of another person. In such a case,it is best to call up your Washington based personal injury lawyer for advise on the next cause of action. The plaintiff in a personal injury case has the obligation to show that he or she has been harmed and that the harm has been suffered as the direct result of another party’s negligent act or act of carelessness.
Getting Down To Basics with Lawyers
At other times,parties can decide that they really are not interested in a formal civil court case,and instead,resort to an early settlement process with the advice of their insurers and lawyers. This is also termed as negotiation,where parties agree that the aggrieved party should receive a certain amount of cash(in writing)and that neither should proceed with the case.
Getting Down To Basics with Lawyers
Statute of limitations is a term that you may want to clearly understand. This is a window period within which an aggrieved party is supposed to have filed their suit. The statutes of limitations are created by state law,and may vary from one state to another. Different injuries have different statutes of limitations. For example,you need two years in Texas state to have reported filed a personal injury case,while sex crimes can still be reported after 5 years. Treatises written by erudite scholars of law and the decisions arrived at by courts deciding in civil cases are fundamentally the two main sources of law drawn upon when making judgments in similar cases Before you file a case, it is always prudent to confirm that in deed you have a good case by consulting your personal accident attorney. If you find yourself involved in a car accident in populous Pierce or King county,you can contact any good Pierce or King county lawyer or you can make a decision to have a Washington car accident lawyer handle your case.

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