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Kick starting A body Transformation system. The eight week Body Transformation Program has answered my prayers. It is a program that tackles two of my major issue at the same time;buiding muscles and losing body fat at the same time. Losing fat and building muscle at the same time is a bit deceiving. One cannot really build muscles and lose weight at the same time. It’s actually within the same time period. For example 8 weeks. This body transformation programs takes into account everybody’s goals. Everyone has different fitness goals so Ryan Spiteri has created 4 goals for you to choose from; Focus on fat loss Focusing on building muscles as the second objective. primary goal on losing fat while also building muscles. Losing fat secondary to Building body muscles Cyclical Dieting and Nutrition Timing
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The main focus of The eight week body transformation program is Cyclical Dieting and Nutrition Timing. Just like I was confused at first, these terms may be a little confusing for you too. Cyclical Dieting is simply cycling your diet. Take for example someone who has selected fat loss objective their diet will be deficit in calories. The Eight Week Body Transformation Program is about cycling your diet so you are in a caloric deficit or a caloric surplus for shorter periods of time. It is however important to note that this majorly depends on the goal selected. Different goals will have different amounts of time in a surplus or deficit.
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Generally speaking nutrition timing is all about when to fuel specific nutrients to one’s body, be it fat, proteins, or carbs. Results to Expect There are four major factors that determine the kind of results that one could expect from participating in the program. The length of time that one has been participating-The longer it is the faster the gain. Beginners will gain muscle a lot faster. Your Muscle Memory – It’s easier to regain muscle that you have lost then it is to build new muscle. One’s genetics-generally known as body type. Some body types will gain muscle faster and others will be more gifted in the area of fat loss. Everyone is different but some people are just gifted in these areas. Drugs will also play a factor in your results. Some people will take drugs such as steroids to increase their muscle gains or other drugs to speed up fat burning. This definitely is NOT the way to go. You can do everything without drugs. The Eight Week Body Transformation Program also includes; Resistance and Cardio training information and recommendations. Some lifestyle factors that may affect the transformation are also taken care of. Carb cycling meal plans. The Eight Week Body Transformation Program is a program that teaches you nutrition that is necessary for losing fat and Building Muscle at the same time.

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