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Astrology, Philosophies and Approaches Knowing astrology is similar to knowing a new language. There are bizarre-looking and sounding symbols and words, sesquiquadrate, Capricorn, trine, 10th house, etc. Studying astrology means studying the letters of this new alphabet. You must learn to put them together as words, phrases and sentences. And when you have the ability to look at a birth chart and see various sentences joined together, then you are about to fully understand that birth chart at its heart. However, way beyond this structural appreciation is a more meaningful dimension that composes the center of astrology: your philosophy. Yes, your own views or personal philosophies will influence your perception of astrology, and the manner in which you use it. Fatalistic Astrology
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Fatalism is one astrology approach that is very medieval and fate-centric. Everything is taken as predestined, and the fundamental belief is that we do not have the freedom to choose and control our own lives. Astrologers who adopt this approach are those who predict specific events and give advice to people on how to live their lives best.
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Humanistic Astrology Humanism is a more modern and choice-centric approach to astrology. The belief here is that within each of us is a creative force seeking to be expressed. Based on this world view, we are co-creators of our own fate or destiny. It is not a fight between free will and destiny, but rather a tandem of the two. The birth chart is seen as a tool that can help us to know ourselves better, identify our strong and weak points, and ultimately to transform ourselves into self-harmonious beings. Humanistic astrologers say that the purpose of the birth chart is to enable us to understand ourselves more so that we can see and express our highest potential the best way we can. We must correct the the problem areas identified by the chart until we are able to fully transcend them. This means that our problems as not to be accepted as fate, but rather as avenues through which we can strengthen ourselves to overcome them, and finally learn from them. For some humanistic astrologers, karma and reincarnation are very strong and powerful concepts. According to the philosophy of reincarnation, we all possess a soul or spiritual essence that remains alive even after our death, and incarnates in different physical forms in different lives. The purpose is to make us learn different lessons through experiences, and to slowly work towards perfection or wholeness. The philosophy of karma says that whatever we do is our own responsibility. What we do comes back to us. All these things compose the cornerstone of the ancient doctrine of karma. It is not necessary for us to believe in karma or reincarnation however. The same concept may be explained by way of biological inheritance or genetic predisposition.

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