Smart Ideas: Rings Revisited

Tips For Finding the Best Diamond Jewelry

Diamonds are among the rarest metals on earth. Therefore, most diamond jewelry are very expensive. To a layman, a diamond is just a diamond. However, for real diamond enthusiasts, there are a lot of variances in diamonds. In case you are looking for diamond jewelry, you need to take many factors into considerations to avoid being ripped off of your hard earned money. These 4Cs include; carat, color, clarity, and cut. Also, one must consider cost, ease of access and their personal needs for the diamond jewelry.


A carat is the standard unit of measure for diamonds. 1 carat is equivalent to 0. 2grams. Similarly, 1 carat is equivalent to 100 points which suggests that a quarter of a carat is equal to 25points thus is 50 points is equal to a half carat. A small fraction of a carat may make a huge difference in the quality of the diamond hence precision in measuring diamonds is very crucial. Obtaining a diamond engagement ring with the highest quantity of carats can be a big plus for you but you have to think about your budget. If your budget allows that then you can go for it.
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The color of pearl plays a lot in its own value. Diamonds are valued based on their closeness to colorlessness hence the less the color the more the value of the diamond. However, fancy diamonds make an exception to this rule since they’re colored yet are extremely valuable.


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This refers to both the internal and external flaws of the diamond. Internal flaws are comprised of inclusions into the diamond while cutting whereas the blemishes make up the external flaws.


Diamonds are rated by cut in five grades: very exceptional, excellent, very good, good, fair and bad. Cuts are comprised of the following attributes; brilliance, fire and scintillation.


Diamond jewelry comes in many unique styles that may suit your needs and preferences. While picking the type of engagement ring that you want to buy for your loved one, you need to think about how it will match with their clothes, hair, other jewelry and even her skin tone. Thus, it is good to first know what kind of fashion she prefers to avoid a situation whereby you are buying something that doesn’t merge with her dressing code.


In as much as you may want to buy the most expensive diamond engagement ring you can find in order to impress your date, it is important to consider your budget constraints. You do not want to use your half year’s salary on the ring and suffer financially for the remainder of the year.