Top Jobs for the Adventure Seeker

Making money is a crucial part of being an independent adult, which means a job is a must. If the idea of sitting in a cubicle for hours on end sounds like torture, here are some unique career opportunities that offer more excitement than an office job.


If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to run into burning buildings, spray water out of giant hoses or drive a fire truck, you may be asking how do I become a firefighter in Texas. There are plenty of educational programs geared towards preparing people to become firefighters in cities or in the wilderness.

Park Ranger

If you enjoy the natural beauty of the world and want to be a part of protecting it and educating others about it, you might consider becoming a park ranger. Some of the tasks will be inspecting the park you work in, upkeeping the natural beauty and cleaning up after storms. In larger national parks, you may get to be a tour guide.


Do you have a knack for photography? Photojournalists spend their time traveling to locations around the world to capture culture, wildlife, news and more. If you like to be on the move and see new places, this could be the perfect career choice.


Another way to enjoy traveling as a career is to become an airline pilot. This exciting job puts you in the cockpit that others only dream about. Get moving around the world and take advantage of the layovers you have in different locations.

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Scuba divers work in various industries, including archeology, forensics, science research and oil and gas. They get to submerge underwater to excavate or repair items. You could also end up in the recreational sector and become a dive instructor.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for jobs that don’t involve a desk and a cubicle.