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A Guide to Internet Marketing Modern marketing is important in coming up with decision affecting numerous companies . Efficiency of digital marketing have been rate thought the high number of customers it can aid in serving within a period of time. Coca Company being an international company has a developed affilojetpack where most of its marketing decisions tends to rely on the number of customers visiting their websites. For instance, information on website and adverts on televisions, as well as YouTube, they can still find them on the website. For instance, adverts on televisions, as well as YouTube are similar. Nevertheless, comparing the advertisement placed on Facebook and readymade websites is next to impossibility. This is because many people tends to use Facebook more often as compared to television and readymade websites. Therefore, the marketing department of the coca cola company tends to embrace this fact in launching out their advertisement strategies Nonetheless, according to assertion of many people, dynamics of the technological changes evident in the current situation have transformation the website that people sue in scouting for information as well as advertisements. This acts as a reminder to the marketing department in almost all companies to change its pattern of advertisement such a special deign of advertise would be advert on major news time like bumping on an advert of Coca Cola Company before watching his or her favorite movie on YouTube. From the above stated argument, one can note the impact of internet marketing in guiding the marketing decisions of the Coca Cola Company. Hence, the using digital marketing thought in devising decisions has an impact on decision made by company towards relaying of information to its customers that aids in the increase of the sales of the company. Coca Cola Company is a clear epitome of the firms that have been embracing the changing forms of the digital technology. Evidence of this fact emanates from use of the social marketing in making most of their adverts and considering the marketing as a factor when making decisions that concerns marketing of company. Actually, fruits of internet marketing in the company have been noted in the efficiency of operation. Besides, there has been an increase a confirmation that the company is showing a rising trend in development. introduction of new products in the market is a conformation that the program that the company is applying in attracting customers is of much significance. This can only be imaginable when the market share of the current goods of a company is elevated giving it a reason to create other products and introduce them in the market. For instance, the production of Red bull by the Coca Cola Company is an example of new product that have gained an equal competition in the international market leading to an increase in the market share of the company.

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